Saturday, May 7, 2016

Conservative Hypocrisy

Well, yet another chapter of the "Are You Kidding Me" book is apparently in the drafting stage.  Mitt Romney and a bunch of other Conservative Crazies are now talking about ginning up a third-party candidacy?!?  I would say, "Really?!??!" but that wouldn't do justice to the situation.  What happened to "We need to stop Hillary"?  Or, more specifically, "We need to rally around Ted Cruz so that we can stop Hillary."  I guess what they were really saying is, "I want", "Look at me", "Here I am."  Or maybe just simply, "me me me me me me me me me me".

They're not the most gracious Losers, are they?  (I'll concede, however, that they are indeed Losers, which I guess explains how Romney somehow got to become their leader.)  Somehow, there's this line that about 60% of the Republican electorate voted against Trump, and that the numbers therefore somehow support these strangest-of-strange efforts.  But hey, geniuses, did you notice that about 73% of the voters voted against Cruz?  What an utterly bizarre and transparent argument to support a third-party candidacy.

Let's just go with an honest line of thinking.  How about? - "I hate Trump so much for kaboshing any hope for a conservative takeover of the Republican party (itself a pipe dream, by the way) that I will sell my core purpose of defeating Hillary right down the river, regardless of the level of hypocrisy and absurdity that I need to marshal in order to get me there."  Well, at least that would be above-board, now, wouldn't it?  Hey, Ted, I remember all of those unite-behind-me-SO-THAT-WE-CAN-STOP-HILLARY oratories.  You think maybe it's time for you to call upon these petulant children that you call allies and get them back to being on-message?  Or, if being on-message is too much to ask from a bunch of irrational lunatics, let's maybe lower the bar to: not being utterly and counterproductively off-message?  Sheesh - what's going on here doesn't make any sense at all, even on its own terms.

Look, I don't know if The Donald really can beat Hillary.  But wouldn't it be sad if, because of a bunch of immature miscreants, we didn't even get the fighting chance to see if it's possible?

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