Friday, March 29, 2019

To Support Or Not To Support

In that I'm a New Yorker, I'm asked every now and then how I can possibly continue to support our President. Hmm, lemme see.

Booming economy. Absurdly low unemployment, including among virtually all minority groups. A rising stock market. A tax cut that's resulted in record tax revenues. Increased respect for law enforcement. Massive deregulation. Two undeniably qualified Supreme Court justices. The decimation of ISIS. A pending recut of the Mexico/Canada trade deal. Advancing trade talks with China. Improved border security. A dialogue with North Korea. A reinvigorated military. Increased monetary participation in NATO by US allies. Movement of the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, as promised, followed by official recognition that Assad's Syria doesn't have the Golan Heights.

And, just to say it - no collusion; no obstruction; much embarrassment for out-of-touch newspeople.

To come - health care, infrastructure, etc.

A bonus? - a consistent procession of some pretty funny tweets.

The alternative to all this? Sanders, Warren, AOC & Co.?!?

I think the right question turns out to be - how can I NOT support this President?!?!?