Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Glimpse of One Possible Future

There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding on the Left.  The idea is that people generally are upset with Mr. Trump and his Administration.  Well, the upset, I think, is confined to a little dot on the map known as Manhattan, one on the west coast covering La La Land, and another couple of dots spotting places like Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc.  Elsewhere, I think people continue to be quite happy.  And that was even before what may be a speech that's in contention for the Best Speech to a Joint Session of Congress Ever Made.

So what I'd like is, if I may, a date or two or three - or four - with one or more of my friends on The Left.  Here're my proposals.  Let's get together when the Dow gains another 300 or so points.  And let's also get together right after the 2018 mid-term elections.  Then let's get together, oh, maybe in October/November of 2020.  And once more after almost eight years of prosperity and ever-increasing national and global safety.

Let's, together, reflect on to where we've gotten, and to where we're going.  Lookin' forward to our chats, my friends on The Left. . . .