Monday, September 12, 2016

The NFL, President Obama and . . . Radical IslamicTerrrorism

It is sometimes so painful to watch the media unable or at least unwilling to report things as they are, when those things don't align with the media's politically-correct preferred narrative.  So it turns out that the President's taped 9/11 message was booed at a number of NFL games.

The media's response?  Those wacky fans.  Some misguided notion of NFL-style patriotism.  Some amorphous unfortunate lack of respect.

No!  No no no no no!!  Those are NOT the explanations.  The explanation is that, on this most solemn of all solemn days, we have a president giving a homily who will not use the words "radical Islamic terrorism" to describe what this world is facing.  So there are people that don't want to hear him on 9/11.  That's why.*

Get over yourselves, people - this country is fed up, and, come Election Day, may well not be willing to take it anymore.

* And while the President bolsters the back-up quarterback and his minions and other supporters for disrespecting this country, we have, in pointed contrast, Donald Trump calling out that disrespect.  I respect their right to pipe up - there is no bigger supporter of the right to Free Speech than I - but there are consequences to one's exercise of that right.  In addition, we (and that includes the President) should remember that the right to Free Speech is in respect of governmental interference.  Private citizens are generally free to address the speech of others as they see fit.  It will be interesting to see how NFL fans react to the efforts of these self-appointed (and quite wealthy) protesters, indeed on 9/11 itself.

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